Wheatgrass is a fantastic ingredient. This is something almost nobody uses in their blender to make juice with, but it is growing gradually in popularity. If you don’t know what wheatgrass is, it is literally grass grown from wheat plant grains.
You can grow wheatgrass at home to save yourself some money, and you can implement it in your diet to gain a bunch of health benefits. Wheatgrass is great for your body and for your mind. Wheatgrass can boost your immune system, it’s great for detox, and it has a long list of other benefits for your health.
To extract the juice from wheatgrass, which doesn’t look much different from the grass in your yard, there are two common methods. We’ll go over both of them today, finding out how to make wheatgrass juice in a blender easily and efficiently.
Read More: How to juice without a juicer
Two Methods for Making Wheatgrass Juice
There are two main methods for extracting juice from wheatgrass. You can either use a juicer or a blender. The main difference between using a juicer and a blender is that the juicer will extract much more juice. The juicer works by squeezing all the nutrients out of the wheatgrass and leaving you with far less pulp leftover at the end.
When using your blender, you need to combine the wheatgrass with water. Water is great, but it will drastically dilute the juice. This can make your wheatgrass juice less nutritious. That said, it might also make your wheatgrass juice far more palatable. Wheatgrass does have a fairly strong taste, and if you are a newbie it might be better to use a blender.
Top Tips for Making Wheatgrass Juice
When you first begin drinking wheatgrass juice, you may find yourself with a few uncomfortable side effects. These are not super common, but they can happen. Side effects include an upset tummy, fatigue, a headache, and in a worst-case scenario, nausea.
Wheatgrass juice is an extremely powerful detox solution. If your body is not used to it, it will take time to adjust. If you do suffer one of these side effects, don’t panic. Wheatgrass juice can’t actually harm you.
If you want to avoid any possible sickness when you first start drinking wheatgrass juice, start with an extremely small dosage. You might want to start with a 30-milliliter shot, then gradually increase to larger doses. It will also help if you add your wheatgrass juice with other recipes. You can dilute it in a smoothie or in another type of juice.
The best time to drink wheatgrass juice is always in the morning when you still have an empty stomach. I highly recommend you wait a full hour before eating anything. This will help you to avoid any possible nausea by drinking the wheatgrass.
You can add your wheatgrass juice to almost any other type of juice. You can also use it inside smoothies, as a garnish for your salad, or in any other recipe where wheatgrass juice can remain hidden.
You can even use wheatgrass juice without eating it. You can use this juice in the bath to soothe your skin, to help reduce scars, and even to soothe itchy bites and scratches. And while wheatgrass powder is widely available, I always recommend that people use fresh wheatgrass when they can. Nutritional values will always be different.
How to Make Wheatgrass Juice in a Blender
All you need for making wheatgrass juice with your blender is a good stock of wheatgrass, a powerful blender, a few cups of water, and a nut milk bag or a cheesecloth. A cheesecloth will work, but I highly suggest using a nut milk bag simply for its effectiveness.
The first step is to cut your wheatgrass. If you have it growing in your home, trim it very short and collect all the grass. There is no particular serving size that I can recommend. Just take whatever grass you have, shove it in your blender, and add a fair bit of water so that the mixture will blend properly in the machine.
You then want to turn on your blender to maximum speed and blend until the entire mixture looks very juicy. You want the wheatgrass to be fully pulverized.
It’s important to understand that when using your blender to do this, you will have a lot more pulp at the end. You can liquify it as much as possible using water and your blender, but there will still be pulp. There is just no getting around it.
Now that you have a mushy green substance in your blender, it’s time to collect the actual juice. The good news is that your juice won’t have any pulp in it once you string it through the nut milk bag or the cheesecloth. Simply strain everything through the milk bag or cheesecloth and you will be left with pure wheatgrass juice.
How to Store Wheatgrass Juice
Now that you have a healthy serving of wheatgrass juice, it’s time to either drink it or store it. If you make a massive batch of wheatgrass juice, you probably don’t want to drink the whole thing immediately. You will need to store it for later use in the refrigerator.
Wheatgrass juice can be kept in your refrigerator for about a week. However, keep in mind that the juice will lose some of its nutritional value as time goes on. A fun way to store your juice is by keeping it in small, shot glass vials. You can get these in 60ml containers, and they work great for storing your wheatgrass juice.
Alternatively, you may think about freezing small portions of wheatgrass juice in an ice cube tray. You can simply pour the juice into the tray, allow the bricks to freeze, and then use a single block each morning for your wheatgrass juice drink.
And if all else fails, you can of course keep your wheatgrass juice in a normal jar in the fridge.